House M.d.
In the Season 6 episode “The Down Low”, a fake pay stub shows Thirteen’s middle name to be “Beauregard”, although it’s unsure if that is really her center name. During the season-six finale, “Help Me”, Thirteen reveals up late at a differential, obviously hiding one thing.
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In another episode, he reveals to Wilson that he is been borrowing larger and larger sums of money from him without paying him back, just to see at what point Wilson would flip him down. In season seven, when Cuddy, who’s House’s girlfriend at this level, has a brush with demise, House goes again on Vicodin so as to address the fear of losing her. Near the end of season seven, House finds out the experimental drug he had been using triggered fatal cancerous tumors in all the lab rats in the experiment.
Cole refused to drop out of the …