Cleaning a New Home Checklist | How to Clean Your New Home

If moving from another house tops the list of demanding and trying experiences individuals go through in life and cleaning the property tops the list of detestable experiences individuals face regularly, then cleaning for moving should feel like a nightmare experience for a lot of people. The idea of washing windows and scrubbing floors after weeks of laborious relocating preparations, as well as exhausting moving tasks, may be enough to make everyone panic.

After all, they have just finished organizing various details of the relocating process, putting all the needed paperwork in order, and packing their earthly possessions. So, there is a good chance they will have little to no energy left to spare. And yet, people need to clean not one but two houses at the climax of their relaxation endeavor – move-out and move-in day:

Property owners will want to leave their old houses in pristine condition to be able to get their security deposits back or to make their properties more desirable to possible buyers.

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They will want their new properties to be spotless when they move in

So, no matter how impatient and tried to close the relocation chapter of their life individuals may be, they need to take the time and effort to clean their old house before relocating out and their new one before they can move in. Fortunately, the task may not be as tedious not like the first task – especially if individuals follow these simple but efficient cleaning tips for moving home.

Cleaning tips for moving out

To make this job more practical, effective, and a lot easier, people are recommended to:

Get hold of the right moving cleaning tools and supplies and always have them at hand

There are some supplies people cannot do without when preparing their house for moving – glass cleaners, white vinegar, dusting clothes, nylon or plastic bristled scrubbers, baking soda, disinfecting cleaners, various types of brushes, fabric protectors, mops, vacuum cleaners, brooms, dustpans, buckets, step stools, rubber gloves, and furniture polishes.

Property owners need to ensure these items do not get accidentally loaded on trucks with the rest of their possessions – they are going to need them when movers depart from their old house and before they arrive at their new home.

Visit for more details about smart devices that can help you do this chore.

Cleaning a New House Checklist | MYMOVE

Homeowners should clean and prepare the items they are going to take with them as early as possible

Homeowners will certainly want to give their household items a good cleansing after the move, but this does not make cleansing them before the move unnecessary – individuals probably do not want to take all the accumulated dirt and dust, grime and stains, as well as germs and bacteria to their new property.

Besides, wiping them clean before the actual move will make their job a lot easier after, when arranging and unpacking to their new place. That is why homeowners need to ensure they clean and empty all the household appliances and furniture pieces they intend to relocate a couple of days before the moving day and get them safely packed and ready by the time the movers arrive.

Homeowners should wait until their possessions have been loaded into the truck to give their old house the final and deep cleansing

If property owners start cleansing while their packed items are still scattered all over the place, their tasks will be much more time-consuming and complex than necessary.

All furniture pieces and relocating boxes will be in their way, and they will not be able to clean the area efficiently, effectively, and quickly enough. For the best result, people should always start the moving cleaning process from top to bottom, back to front, or else they may soil an already washed surface and have to rewash them.

Complete dry cleansing jobs first (like dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming)

Homeowners just cannot efficiently mop, wipe, or wash surfaces with a damp or wet cloth when there’s still dirt or dust on them.

Homeowners should clean their homes task-by-task and not room-by-room. This technique is a lot faster and more efficient – when people have equipped themselves with furniture polish and a clean and soft cloth. It makes a lot of sense to take care of every furniture piece in the house, not just the ones in the master bedroom.